Conditions of Use

The person responsible for this application (hereinafter "the application") is AEL - Academia Europea de Leadership together with the owner or developer of the app, the company SEDUNI TORCAR SL (hereinafter "UNIFIT").

The USER at the time they install and / or use the application accepts and expressly submits to the general conditions of use thereof. If the USER does not agree with these Conditions of Use, he must refrain from installing and / or using it.

A. Intellectual property

All the contents, texts, logos, graphics, images and source codes of the application, or accessible through the application, are the property of UNIFIT, or of third parties under authorization and are protected by Intellectual and Industrial Property rights.

The USER only has the right to private use of the application and its contents, non-profit, and needs express authorization to modify, reproduce, exploit, distribute or exercise any right belonging to its owner.

UNIFIT and other brands that appear in the application are registered trademarks and their reproduction, imitation, use or insertion without proper authorization is prohibited.

UNIFIT is exonerated of responsibility for any claim regarding the intellectual property rights of the contents published by third parties or the USERS in the application.

The total or partial imitation of this application is prohibited.

B. Conditions of Use

The application is completely free but its use is restricted to users who UNIFIT and the UNIVERSITY provide access codes.

To use the application you need:

  • Download and install the application on a mobile device accepting the contracting conditions of the online store where you download it.
  • Identify yourself in the application with the codes received from UNIFIT or the UNIVERSITY.
  • Approve these Terms of Use and its Privacy Policy and follow the technical instructions for connection and use.
  • Allow the application to use the Wi-Fi, Mobile Network functionalities and, if the user consents, Camera, Geolocation and the reception of push notifications.

Rules for using the Messaging Service

The application allows its USERS to exchange messages through chat.

The USER may only send messages that:

  • They do not violate any current law and that they are not inappropriate, offensive, with sexual content, indecent or abusive and that, in general, cannot be considered unrespectful.
  • Do not violate the rights of third parties, especially the rights of data protection and intellectual property.
  • They are carried out with correct language and without including bad or offensive words that may be considered unrespectful by other USERS.

UNIFIT does not review or approve the messages sent. The USER assumes exclusive responsibility for them. However, UNIFIT reserves the right to eliminate those messages that, at its discretion, violate these conditions.

The USER must use the application in accordance with good faith, the rules of public order, current legislation and these Conditions of Use.

The use of the application is carried out under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the USER, who will be liable in any case for damages that may be caused to third parties or ourselves.

UNIFIT reserves the unilateral right and without notice to terminate any USER who understands that they have violated the conditions that govern the use of the application without the USER having the right to claim of any kind for this type of action. Likewise, it reserves the right to exercise the appropriate legal actions against those who violate these general conditions of use, the USER accepting that the non-initiation of these actions does not constitute a formal waiver of them, remaining in force until the legal deadlines of prescription of offenses.

C. Responsibilities

By making this application available to the USER, UNIFIT wants to offer a quality service, using the utmost diligence in providing it, as well as in the technological means used. However, we will not be liable for any negative or unwanted effect that the application may cause on the USER's devices.

UNIFIT does not guarantee that the availability of the service will be continuous and uninterrupted, due to circumstances caused by problems in the Internet network, mobile network coverage, breakdowns in computer devices or other unforeseeable circumstances, so that the USER agrees to support within certain limits these circumstances are reasonable, for which reason it expressly waives to claim any responsibility from UNIFIT for possible failures, errors and use of the service.

Application operation requires Internet access. It is the sole responsibility of the USER both the provision of the data connection services that guarantee their operation and the assumption of their cost. The USER is aware that the use of the application abroad may entail additional costs.

The USER assumes all responsibility derived from the use of the application, being solely responsible for any direct or indirect effect that may arise, including, but not limited to, any adverse economic, technical and / or legal result , as well as the defrauding of the expectations generated by it, forcing the USER to hold UNIFIT harmless for any claims derived, directly or indirectly, from such events.

UNIFIT does not guarantee the accuracy, veracity and validity of the contents of this application, whether they are its own, of third parties, or linkable to third party websites, being totally exonerated of any responsibility derived from the use of the same.

UNIFIT is exonerated of any responsibility derived from any claim, including the payment of fees to lawyers, for the demands and claims originated by the breach by the USER of the Conditions of Use of the application or of the current legislation.

Taking into account the impossibility of control over the information, content and services contained in other web pages or applications that can be accessed through the links that our application makes available to you, we inform you that UNIFIT, is exempt from any responsibility for damages of any kind that may arise from the use of these web pages or applications, outside of us, by the USER.

UNIFIT may modify the presentation and configuration of its application in order to introduce the improvements it deems appropriate. You can also expand, reduce or modify the services and content unilaterally and without prior notice.

D. Acceptance, liability, jurisdiction and validity

The USER acknowledges that he has understood all the information regarding the Conditions of Use of the application, and acknowledges that they are sufficient for the exclusion of the error in them and, therefore, he accepts them integrally and expressly.

These Conditions of Use will remain in force as long as the application is installed on the USER's device.

UNIFIT can modify these Conditions of Use to adapt them to the modifications that occur in the application, as well as legislative or jurisprudential modifications on personal data that appear, which it will communicate in a timely manner to the USER.

Everything related to the application and its use is governed exclusively by Spanish law. In the event of any type of discrepancy or difference between the parties, they submit, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.

Privacy Policy

Confidentiality and security are SEDUNI TORCAR SL’s core values and we therefore undertake to ensure the User’s privacy at all times and not to gather any unnecessary information. Below we provide all the information necessary regarding our Privacy Policy in relation to the personal data collected, explaining:

  • Who is the processor of your data.
  • The purpose for which we gather the data requested.
  • What is the legitimisation for their processing.
  • The length of time we store the data.
  • Who your data are assigned to.
  • What your rights are.


Calle Pedrueca nº 1
39003, Santander - España
Hereinafter, “UNIFIT”, "us" or “Data controller”.


Personal Data refers to any information or data that can directly or indirectly identify you. Personal Data includes information such as email / NIU / Study center, academic preferences, among others.

This privacy policy covers all personal data collected and used by UNIFIT.

The user (you) hereby guarantees that the Personal Data provided is true and accurate and undertakes to notify any change or modification thereof. Any loss or damage caused to the App, to the Responsible for Treatment or to any third party through the communication of erroneous, inaccurate or incomplete information in the registration forms, will be the sole responsibility of the user.

3. PURPOSES, LEGITIMISATION and STORAGE of the processing of data sent via the:


When registering on the Platform, you must enter an e-mail and a password. You can later modify the password in your profile on the Platform. The password will be strictly confidential, personal and non-transferable. You agree not to disclose the data related to your account or make it accessible to third parties. You will be solely responsible for the use of said data by third parties, including the statements made on the Platform, or any other action carried out through the use of the password.

- Purpose: For the correct management of the registration and registration on the app site, as well as for the sending of informative communications, including by electronic means.

- Legitimisation: Your express consent. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

- Storage: Until the subscription is canceled and they are required to be removed.


- Purpose: For the correct management of the commercial relationship with you, to send the merchandise to the indicated address, as well as to send informative communications about our products and services, including by electronic means.

- Legitimisation: Your express consent. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.

- Storage: Until they are required to be removed.


- Purpose: Sending informative communications that are of interest to you, even by electronic channels (Email, app).

- Legitimisation:: The consent of the user when subscribing to our commercial emails and / or newsletters.

- Storage: Until the interested party revokes the consent and requests the cancellation of the service.


- Purpose: Receive a discount for subsequent purchases.

- Legitimisation:: Your consent by providing your data through our enabled form and by checking the checkbox.

- Storage: Until they are required to be removed.


- Purpose: Answer your information requests, deal with your requests and answer any inquiries or doubts. In case of receiving your Curriculum Vitae, your personal and curricular data may be part of our databases to participate in our present and future selection processes.

- Legitimisation:: EThe consent of the user when requesting information from us through the email address or sending us their data and CV to participate in our selection processes.

- Storage: Once your request is answered by email, if you have not generated a new treatment. In the case of receiving your CV, your data may be kept for a maximum year for future selection processes.

We may retain some personal data to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations, as well as to administer our rights (for example, to enforce our claims in court) or for statistical or historical purposes.

When we no longer need to use your personal data, it will be removed from our systems and records or anonymized so that we can no longer identify it.

Obligation to provide us with your personal data and consequences of not doing so.

The personal data requested is necessary to manage your requests and / or provide the services that you may contract, so if you do not provide them, we will not be able to serve you correctly or provide the service you have requested.

In any case, we reserve the right to decide whether or not to include your personal data and other information in our databases.


We enter into contracts with trusted third parties to perform a variety of computer operations on our behalf. We only provide them with the information they need to perform the service, and we require them not to use your personal data for any other purpose. We always do our best to ensure that all third parties we work with keep your personal data safe.

In this case, the Personal Data that we collect may be communicated to:

- Third parties that help us provide IT services, such as platform providers, hosting services, maintenance and support in our databases, as well as in our software and university applications that may contain data about you.


Any person may withdraw their consent at any time after granting it for the processing of their data. Under no circumstance does withdrawal of consent affect the execution of the subscription contract or the relations established previously. Likewise, you may also exercise the following rights:

  • Request access to your personal data or rectification of same when inaccurate.
  • Request their deletion when, amongst other reasons, they are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were governed.
  • Request the limitation of processing in certain circumstances.
  • Request opposition to the processing of your data due to your particular situation.
  • Request data portability when so provided in law.
  • OOther rights recognised in applicable law.

Where and how to exercise your Rights: By writing to the party concerned at their postal or electronic address (provided in section A), indicating the reference “Personal Data”, specifying the right to be exercised and with regard to which personal data.

In the event of any dispute with the company with regard to the processing of your data you may lodge a claim with the Data Protection Authority (


In order to safeguard the security of your personal data, we inform you that we have adopted all the necessary measures of a technical and organisational nature to ensure the security of your personal data against alteration, loss and non-authorised processing and access.


It is important you inform us whenever there has been any modification so we may update your personal data; otherwise we cannot be liable for the accuracy of same. We shall not be liable for the privacy policy regarding the personal data you may supply to third parties via the links on our webpage.


If you have any questions or concerns about the way we treat and use your personal data or wish to exercise any of the rights described above, please contact

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